Previous incidents
UK region and UK imaging viewer endpoint are down
Resolved Oct 25 at 02:44am AEDT
UK region recovered.
3 previous updates
Australian imaging viewer endpoint is down
Resolved Oct 16 at 12:13pm AEDT
Australian imaging viewer endpoint recovered.
3 previous updates
Degraded uploads
Resolved Oct 16 at 09:00am AEDT
Some uploads may fail.
Update (3:30pm AEST): All services have returned to normal
Uploads are failing
Resolved Oct 15 at 06:14pm AEDT
Uploads are currently failing. Our team is working on a fix.
Singapore region is down
Resolved Oct 10 at 10:13am AEDT
Singapore region recovered.
1 previous update
Australian imaging viewer endpoint is down
Resolved Oct 04 at 01:21pm AEST
Australian imaging viewer endpoint recovered.
1 previous update
Australian region is down
Resolved Sep 25 at 01:29pm AEST
Australian region recovered.
1 previous update
Uploads are currently failing
Resolved Sep 13 at 12:07pm AEST
Uploads are currently failing on all Aurabox regions. The error has been found and a fix is being implemented.
A fix has been released and all services are operating normally.
Australian imaging viewer endpoint, UK imaging viewer endpoint, and 1 other s...
Resolved Sep 12 at 11:31pm AEST
UK imaging viewer endpoint recovered.
5 previous updates
Australian imaging viewer endpoint is down
Resolved Aug 23 at 10:36pm AEST
Australian imaging viewer endpoint recovered.
1 previous update
Australian imaging viewer endpoint is down
Resolved Aug 19 at 03:14pm AEST
Australian imaging viewer endpoint recovered.
1 previous update
Singapore region is down
Resolved Aug 08 at 02:17pm AEST
Singapore region recovered.
1 previous update